DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection
DIN 14475
Powder extinguishing systems for firefighting vehicles
Pulverlöschanlagen für den Einbau in Löschfahrzeuge
This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 031-03-02 AA "Schaum- und Pulverlöschanlagen - SpA zu CEN/TC 191/WG 2 und WG 4" ("Foam and powder extinguishing systems - Mirror Committee to CEN/TC 191/WG 2 and WG 4") at FNFW. The standard specifies requirements for installation dimensions, type dimensions and fields of application and describes various possibilities of control of powder extinguishing systems which are primarily used for installation in vehicles or swap bodies. The standard contains requirements for the overall system, marking, extinguishing powder containers, propellant gas devices, flowlines and fittings and further accessories as well as documentation. Information for testing is also given. With the specifications, basic principles for acceptance of firefighting vehicles with such extinguishing systems are available. Operating instructions are intended for orientation of rescue teams.