NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

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Projects of NA 031

Number: 93

DIN 14461-4 2023-07-19 Delivery valve installations for firefighting purposes - Part 4: Filling valves PN 16 connected with firefighting pipes More  Comment 
DIN 14461-5 2023-07-19 Delivery valve installations for firefighting purposes - Part 5: Tap PN 16 connected with firefighting pipes More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TS 54-14 2023-07-07 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance More  Comment 
ISO/WD 20862-1 2023-06-06 Fire-extinguishing systems - Pre-Engineered Systems for Unoccupied Cabinet / Enclosure Protection - Part 1: Direct More  Comment 
ISO/WD 20862-2 2023-06-06 Fire-extinguishing systems - Pre-Engineered Systems for Unoccupied Cabinet / Enclosure Protection - Part 2: Indirect More  Comment 
ISO/CD 22353 2023-05-03 Security and resilience - Guidelines for crowd management More  Comment 
DIN EN 13565-1/A1 2023-04-21 Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components; German version EN 13565-1:2019/FprA1:2025 More  Comment 
DIN 14700 2023-02-27 Firefighting and fire protection - CAN interface for devices in emergency vehicles; Text in English More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TS 18053-2 2022-12-02 Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence - Part 2: Data Management and Audit; German version CEN/TS 18053-2:2024 More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TS 18053-1 2022-12-02 Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence - Part 1: Overview and Concepts; German version CEN/TS 18053-1:2024 More  Comment