NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

NA 031-04-09 AA
Other equipment - mirror committee of CEN/TC 192/WG 5

Scope of work

The working committee deals with the standardisation of fire brigade equipment that is not assigned to another working committee. Overview of the main standardisation topics of the committee so far:

  • fire-fighting equipment for fire-fighting vehicles DIN 14800 series of standards;
  • jump rescue equipment DIN 14151 series of standards;
  • Tripod (DIN 14682 and DIN 14683);
  • Hose bridges (DIN 14820-1);
  • mobile hose reels (DIN 14826-2);
  • cages for transport of delivery hoses DIN 14827 series of standards;
  • rescue platform (DIN 14830);
  • pull-in hooks (DIN 14851), crowbar (DIN 14853) and fire axe (DIN 14900);
  • various boxes for fire-fighting equipment and toolboxes DIN 1488x series of standards;
  • mobile ventilation equipment according to DIN 14963;
  • portable ladders for the fire brigade (DIN EN 1147) and its supplement 1.
The standardisation of "electrical equipment" for fire brigades does not belong to the field of activity of NA 031-04-09 AA. This is carried out in NA 031-06 FB.

The most important objective of the standardisation work is to carry out fire brigade operations safely and efficiently by specifying safety, serviceability and performance parameters as well as the interfaces to vehicle storage.

Subordinate Committees of NA 031-04-09 AA

Committee ID Name Sub-committees
Committee ID NA 031-04-09-04 AK -dormant Name Mobile Hose Reel - DIN 14826 Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-04-09-06 AK -dormant Name Fire Boxes - DIN 14880 Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-04-09-10 AK -dormant Name Tripod - DIN 14683 Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-04-09-11 AK -dormant Name DIN 14800-16 and -17 - Pulley blocks for rescue from heights and depths Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-04-09-12 AK Name DIN 14963 - Ventilation fan Sub-committees 0


DIN-Normenausschuss Feuerwehrwesen (FNFW)
Mr.   Dipl.-Ing.

Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
Fax: +49 30 2601-42340

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