NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

NA 031-01-01 AA
Manual Means of Firefighting - Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 70

Scope of work

The section 1 deals with the standardization of manually operated equipment for fire fighting and consists of the working committee NA 031-01-01 AA with the same name. Overview of the committee's main standardization topics to date:

  • Fire classes according to DIN EN 2;
  • portable fire extinguishers according to standards of the DIN EN 3 series including their maintenance;
  • mobile fire extinguishers according to standards of the series DIN EN 1866;
  • extinguishing blankets DIN EN 1869;
  • portable aerosol dispensers for fire extinguishing purposes DIN EN 16856 respectively formerly DIN SPEC 14411.
The standardization of aircraft fire extinguishers also belongs to the field of work of NA 031-01-01 AA. This was previously done in the DIN Aerospace Standards Committee (NL).

The most important goal of the standardization work is to ensure the functionality and extinguishing efficiency of the devices by specifying requirements and tests. Persons inexperienced in fire fighting should be enabled to prevent major fire damage by means of a fire extinguishing device that is easy and effective to operate.

The majority of standards for fire extinguishers are required as harmonized standards (according to EU Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU "Directive 2014/68/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pressure equipment"). The EU Directive 75/324/EEC on aerosol dispensers applies to portable aerosol dispensers for fire extinguishing purposes.

In addition to the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, the projects in the subcommittee ISO/TC 21/SC 2 "Portable fire extinguishers" are supervised by NA 031-01-01 AA.

On a national level, the maintenance standard for portable fire extinguishers DIN 14406-4 remains important.

Subordinate Committees of NA 031-01-01 AA

Committee ID Name Sub-committees
Committee ID NA 031-01-01-01 AK -dormant Name Supplement DIN 14406-4 - Portable Fire Extinguishers - Maintenance Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-01-01-02 AK -dormant Name MR-Labeling Extinguisher Supplement 4 to DIN EN 3 Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-01-01-03 AK -dormant Name Extinguishing Media and Environmental Protection Supplement 1 to DIN EN 3 Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 031-01-01-04 AK -dormant Name Pre-standard DIN SPEC 14411 Aerosol Dispensers (Proposal for an European Standard) Sub-committees 0


DIN-Normenausschuss Feuerwehrwesen (FNFW)
Mr.   Dipl.-Ing.

Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
Fax: +49 30 2601-42340

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