NA 067

DIN Standards Committee Fasteners

DIN 125 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 20453-1 Edition 1988-10 Title Switches for simple underground track points with loose heel switch; 20 m radius, 1 : 5 inclination, 600 mm gauge More 
Document number DIN 20463-1 Edition 1988-10 Title Switches for simple underground track points with loose heel switch; 30 m radius, 1 : 6 inclination, 600 mm gauge More 
Document number DIN 20473-1 Edition 1988-10 Title Switches for simple underground track points with loose heel switch; 50 m radius, 1 : 7 inclination, 600 mm gauge More 
Document number DIN 22418 Edition 1989-04 Title Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres for mining; screw plugs; safety requirements and testing More 
Document number DIN 42539-1 Edition 1968-08 Title Transformers; Bushings for Indoor and Outdoor Types; Insulation Class 3 N for 250 A to 3150 A, Assembly More 
Document number DIN 43579-3 Edition 1984-06 Title Lead-acid storage batteries; train lighting batteries; connecting terminals More 
Document number DIN 46200 Edition 1977-07 Title Current carrying connection bolts up to 1600 A; design and assignment of current intensities More 
Document number DIN 46264 Edition 1988-06 Title High-voltage feed-through terminals with cast resin insulator More 
Document number DIN 47600-1 Edition 1974-10 Title Cast Metal Joint Boxes for Power Cables up to 10 kV; Protective Joint Boxes More 
Document number DIN 47606 Edition 1974-10 Title Joint boxes for power cables up to 30 kV; joint protection boxes More