NA 067

DIN Standards Committee Fasteners

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 81226-1
Signs and markings - Part 1: Overview, general information; Text in German and English

Title (German)

Kennzeichen und Kennzeichnungsschilder - Teil 1: Übersicht, allgemeine Angaben; Text Deutsch und Englisch


This standard has been prepared by the Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT) at DIN, Working Committee NA 132-05-03 AA "Kennzeichnungen" ("Designations"). This standard is an overview standard in the field of signs and markings. Standards and other documents applicable to signs and markings for vessels are listed. Furthermore, colours are defined that shall apply in the standards of series VG 81226. With respect to the previous edition of the standard, a reference to VG 81226-5 has been incorporated, all references have been updated and an English translation has been added. This standard replaces VG 81226-1:2005.

Responsible national committee

NA 132-05-03 AA - Marking  

Edition 2012-10
Original language German , English
Price from 87.90 €
Table of contents


Hoang Khanh Chu

Frankenstr. 18 b
20097 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 697084-14

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