NA 021

DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 18036
Ice-sport facilities - Ice-sport facilities with artificial ice - Rules for planning and construction

Title (German)

Eissportanlagen - Anlagen für den Eissport mit Kunsteisflächen - Grundlagen für Planung und Bau


This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 005-01-30 AA "Eissporthallen und Eissportfreianlagen" "Sports halls, indoor and outdoor ice rinks" at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau). It lays down the principles for the planning and construction of ice rinks with refrigeration equipment for ice production.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-01-30 AA - Sports halls, indoor and outdoor ice rinks  

Edition 2017-10
Original language German
Price from 139.20 €
Table of contents


M. Sc.

Aline Grundmann

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2556
Fax: +49 30 2601-42556

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