NA 021

DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 30735
Standard containers with a maximum width of 1520 mm for multi-bucket system vehicles - Sizes, materials, performance

Title (German)

Normbehälter mit einer maximalen Breite von 1520 mm für Absetzkipperfahrzeuge - Maße, Werkstoff, Ausführung


This document has been prepared by DIN Standards Committee Municipal Services (NKT), Working Committee NA 051-03-01 AA "Abfallentsorgung; Fahrzeuge und Geräte ("Waste disposal; Vehicles and equipment) after preparatory work in Working Group NA 051-03-01-02 AK "Überarbeitung DIN 30720, DIN 30723, DIN 30730 und DIN 30735" ("Revision DIN 30720, DIN 30723, DIN 30730 and DIN 30735"). A revision of DIN 30735:1997-12 had become necessary because the state of the art and the safety requirements for the operation of containers on multi-bucket system vehicles (hereinafter referred to as containers) required an update.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 051-03-01 AA - Waste disposal; Vehicles and equipment (Mirror committee to CEN/TC 183/WG 2)  

Edition 2016-02
Original language German
Price from 72.60 €
Table of contents


Jan Philip Everding

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2463
Fax: +49 30 2601-42463

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