NA 021

DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 5696-1
Round steel link chains - Round steel link chains, pitch 3,5d, for chain strands in bucket elevators - Part 1: Grade 2, case hardened

Title (German)

Rundstahlketten - Rundstahlketten, Teilung 3,5d, für Kettenstränge in Becherwerken - Teil 1: Güteklasse 2, einsatzgehärtet


This document applies to tested, close tolerance, case hardened round steel semi long-link chains of grade 2, with a nominal pitch t = 3,5×d and with nominal diameters d from 10 mm to 42 mm, for use at service temperatures from -20 °C up to +400 °C. It specifies dimensions and mechanical properties. Round steel link chains according to this document are mainly used as chain strands together with chain brackets, for example according to DIN 5699 in bucket elevators, as defined in DIN 15201-1. To avoid confusion with round steel links chains of other grades, it shall be ensured before use that the chains bear the required test stamp. Round steel link chains as specified here shall not be used as lifting accessories, slings or loadbearing devices within the meaning of DIN 15003 in combination with cranes or hoists. This document has been prepared in close cooperation with the Timber and Metal Department of the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) (German Social Accident Insurance), Section Hebetechnik und Instandhaltung (Lifting Technology and Maintenance). In Clauses 5, 6, 8 and 10, this standard includes safety requirements within the meaning of § 3 paragraph 2 of the Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG) (German Product Safety Act). Since DIN 685-2 has been identified by the Ausschuss für Produktsicherheit (German Committee for Product Safety) and reference to it has been published in the Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt (German Joint Ministerial Gazette) by the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), it can be presumed that "tested, close tolerance, case hardened round steel semi long-link chains of grade 2" which comply with this standard fulfil the relevant health and safety requirements and thus conform to the acknowledged rules of technology. This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 085-00-02 AA "Rundstahlketten, Einzelteile und Zubehör für allgemeine Zwecke" ("Round steel link chains, components and accessories for general purposes") of the Round Steel Link Chains Standards Committee (NRK) at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V. For further information about the NRK, visit us on the Internet under

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 085-00-02 AA - Round steel link chains, components and accessories for general purposes  

Edition 2015-06
Original language German
Price from 72.60 €
Table of contents


Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. (FH)

Thomas Schreiber

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2147
Fax: +49 30 2601-2147

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