DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel
DIN 14505
Fire fighting and rescue service vehicles - Vehicles for roller containers - Supplementary requirements for DIN EN 1846-3
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge - Wechselladerfahrzeuge mit Abrollbehältern - Ergänzende Anforderungen zu DIN EN 1846-3
The standard applies to swap body vehicles (WLF) and roller containers of fire brigades. Swap body vehicles are increasingly used by fire brigades. The principle of swap body vehicles is based on the fact that different interchangeable bodies can be transported on a carrier vehicle, depending on the requirement and intended purpose. As a rule roll containers are loaded or unloaded in detached condition. DIN EN 1846-3 contains general safety and performance requirements to be met by swap body vehicles, but no interface specifications due to the different swap loader systems established and used in Europe. Therefore this document supplements DIN EN 1846-3 in order to further achieve the interchangeability of roll containers for the hook system with the definitions contained in this standard regarding swap loader facilities and roll containers in Germany. No provision is made for the cable system. Apart from the general requirements in DIN EN 1846-2, DIN EN 1846-3, E DIN 14502-2 and DIN 14502-3, specific requirements to be met by the necessary technical equipment and devices installed for the transport of roll containers at fire brigades are provided. DIN 30722-1 "Roller contact tipper vehicles, roller containers - Part 1: Roller contact tipper vehicles up to 26 t, roller containers type 1570 made from steel" was used as a basis in the preparation of this document. The height of the mounting bracket amounts to 1 570 mm (system 1570 according to DIN 30722-1). Apart from three-axle vehicles (WLF 26), four-axle vehicles as swap body vehicles will also play an increasing role in future for weight reasons (heavier basic chassis with Euro VI, heavy AB, in particular AB water transport/HFS, front loading crane). OPTA abbreviation for such a vehicle: WLF 32. This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 031-04-07 AA "Sonstige Fahrzeuge" ("Other vehicles") following preparatory studies in Working Group NA 031-04-07-05 AK "DIN 14505 - Vehicles for roller containers" at the DIN Firefighting and Fire Protection Standards Committee (FNFW).