NA 021

DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95919-1
Hose and hose assemblies for potable and fresh water - Part 1: Generic standard; Text in German and English

Title (German)

Schläuche und Schlauchleitungen für Trink- und Frischwasser - Teil 1: Fachgrundnorm; Text Deutsch und Englisch


In the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces), hoses and hose assemblies are used for potable, fresh and boiler feed water. The new Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV) (German Drinking Water Regulations) has been in force since 2013/01/01. In order that these components may be used in potable water supply, the hoses/hose assemblies shall, on the one hand, be mandatorily comply with the hygienic requirements of the German Drinking Water Regulations and on the other hand meet the mechanical properties and the requirements shall comply with the state of recognized rules of technology. VG 95919-1 is a detail standard and documents the general technical organizational requirements, including approval and government quality assurance. The tables give the structure, dimensions, pressure resistance, temperature resistance, marking of material, etcetera. The types of packaging, unit package, shipping package and the marking of the package are given in Clause "Packaging". Annex A (informative) gives a sample test certificate, for example for the material of the outer skin, inner skin, etcetera, and Annex B documents a "sample certificate of compliance with order". This standard has been prepared by the DIN-Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT), Technical Committee NA 132-02-07 AA "Betankungs- und Pipelineschläuche" ("Tubes for refuelling and pipelines").

Responsible national committee

NA 132-02-07 AA - Hoses for fuelling and pipelines  

Edition 2014-11
Original language German , English
Price from 115.70 €
Table of contents


Rabea Reußwig

Frankenstr. 18 b
20097 Hamburg

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