DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel
DIN 18896
Fireplaces fired by solid fuel - Technical specifications for installation
Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe - Technische Regeln für die Installation
This standard contains requirements for the installation and operation of fireplaces fired by solid fuels as well as requirements for the combustion air supply and the thermal insulation of installable fireplaces. It covers in particular the requirements for multiple connections and the requirements for the information given in the installation and operation instructions. Due to the differing building law regulations in the EU Member States regarding the installation and operation of fireplaces fired by solid fuels, it is necessary to prepare a national provision in order to be able to fulfil the German legal regulations. In comparison with DIN 18896:2005-06, carbon monoxide emissions and efficiencies have been deleted. Regulation 1.BImSchV shall be followed regarding the use of fireplaces fired by solid fuels. It covers in particular requirements for CO and dust emissions and efficiency. The committee responsible for this standard is Working Committee NA 040-01-01 AA "Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe - Deutscher Spiegelausschuss CEN/TC 295" ("Appliances fired by solid fuels - German mirror committee CEN/TC 295") at DIN.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 040-01-01 AA - Appliances fired by solid fuels - German mirror committee CEN/TC 295