NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN VDE 0282-2 ; VDE 0282-2:2003-09 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN VDE 0250-605 ; VDE 0250-605:2006-06 2006-06 Cables, wires and flexible cords for power install - Part 605: Screened flexible cable with rubber insulation and PVC sheath nominal voltage U₀/U 3,6/6 kV and 6/10 kV More 
BGG 944 ; DGUV Grundsatz 303-001:2000-07 2000-07 BG-Grundsätze - Ausbildungskriterien für festgelegte Tätigkeiten im Sinne der Durchführungsanweisungen zur BG-Vorschrift "Elektrische Anlagen und Betriebsmittel" (BGV A2, bisherige VBG 4) More 
DIN EN 50065-4-7 ; VDE 0808-4-7:2006-02 2006-02 Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz and from 1,6 MHz to 30 MHz - Part 4-7: Portable low voltage decoupling filters - Safety requirements; German version EN 50065-4-7:2005 More 
DIN VDE 0276-622 ; VDE 0276-622:2006-05 2006-05 Power cables - Part 622: Power cables having rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to and including 20,8/36 (42) kV with special fire performance for use in power stations; German version HD 622 S1:1996 + A1:2000 + A2:2005, Part 1 and Part 4D More 
DIN VDE 0298-3 ; VDE 0298-3:2006-06 2006-06 Application of cables and cords in power installations - Part 3: Guide to use of non-harmonized cables More 
DIN EN 50395 ; VDE 0481-395:2006-07 2006-07 Electrical test methods for low voltage energy cables; German version EN 50395:2005 More 
DIN EN 50396 ; VDE 0473-396:2006-07 2006-07 Non electrical test methods for low voltage energy cables; German version EN 50396:2005 More 
DIN EN 60598-2-20 ; VDE 0711-2-20:2015-10 2015-10 Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements - Lighting chains (IEC 60598-2-20:2014); German version EN 60598-2-20:2015 More 
DIN EN 60598-2-21 ; VDE 0711-2-21:2015-10 2015-10 Luminaires - Part 2-21: Particular requirements - Rope lights (IEC 60598-2-21:2014); German version EN 60598-2-21:2015 More 
DIN EN 60598-2-8 ; VDE 0711-2-8:2014-03 2014-03 Luminaires - Part 2-8: Particular requirements - Handlamps (IEC 60598-2-8:2013); German version EN 60598-2-8:2013 More