NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN VDE 0100-482 ; VDE 0100-482:2003-06 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VDE-AR-E 2757-2 2011-08 Service Staying at Home - Requirements for suppliers of combined services More 
VDE-AR-E 2757-3 2012-01 Staying at Home service - Criteria for the selection and installation of AAL components More 
VDE-AR-E 2757-8 2014-12 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Process support for the technical implementation of assistant systems (ambient assisted technology) in homes and residential buildings More 
VDE-AR-N 4105 2011-08 Generators connected to the low-voltage distribution network - Technical requirements for the connection to and parallel operation with low-voltage distribution networks More 
VDI/BV-BS 6000 Blatt 1.1 2012-02 Provision and installation of sanitary facilities - Generic aspects and systems; Prefabricated sanitary modules (prefabricated sanitary rooms, installation systems) More 
VdS 2029 2000-10 Holz bearbeitende und verarbeitende Betriebe - Richtlinien für den Brandschutz More 
VdS 2312 2010-12 VdS Guidelines for Intruder Alarm Systems - Motion Detectors - Requirements and test methods More 
AGFW FW 410 2011-12 Steel jacket pipes for district heating pipelines More 
BDEW Notstromaggregat 2004-08 Notstromaggregate - Richtlinie für Planung, Errichtung und Betrieb von Anlagen mit Notstromaggregaten More 
BGI 880 ; BG RCI M 043:2007-02 ; M 043:2007-02 2007-02 Gefahrstoffe - Kaltreiniger More