NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 61010-1 ; VDE 0411-1:2002-08 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
TRGS 513 2011-10 Tätigkeiten an Sterilisatoren mit Ethylenoxid und Formaldehyd More 
VDI 4206 Blatt 3 2010-08 Performance criteria and test procedures for measuring devices for monitoring emissions at firing installations - Measuring devices for the determination of smoke number More 
DIN 19265 2007-04 pH-/redox-measurement - pH-/redox measuring apparatus - Technical requirements More 
VG 85990 2006-11 Industrial type pressure gauges, non magnetic - Technical specifications More 
VG 88517 2005-12 Transformers for vessels - Technical specification More 
DIN EN 50495 ; VDE 0170-18:2010-10 2010-10 Safety devices required for the safe functioning of equipment with respect to explosion risks; German version EN 50495:2010 More 
DIN EN 60861 ; VDE 0493-4-2:2008-10 2008-10 Equipment for monitoring of radionuclides in liquid effluents and surface waters (IEC 60861:2006, modified); German version EN 60861:2008 More 
DIN EN 60873-1 ; VDE 0410-1:2004-05 2004-05 Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation (IEC 60873-1:2003); German version EN 60873-1:2004 More 
DIN EN 60873-2 ; VDE 0410-2:2004-07 2004-07 Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial process control systems - Part 2: Guidance for inspection and routine testing (IEC 60873-2:2004); German version EN 60873-2:2004 More 
DIN EN 61131-2 ; VDE 0411-500:2008-04 2008-04 Programmable controllers - Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests (IEC 61131-2:2007); German version EN 61131-2:2007 More