NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 61660-1 ; VDE 0102-10:1998-06 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN EN 61660-1 Berichtigung 1 ; VDE 0102-10 Berichtigung 1:2010-04 Edition 2010-04 Title Short-circuit currents - Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 1: Calculation of short-circuit currents (IEC 61660-1:1997); German version EN 61660-1:1997, Corrigendum to DIN EN 61660-1 (VDE 0102-10):1998-06; (IEC-Cor.:2000 to IEC 61660-1:1997) More 
Document number DIN EN 61660-2 ; VDE 0103-10:1998-05 Edition 1998-05 Title Short-circuit currents - Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 2: Calculation of effects (IEC 61660-2:1997); German version EN 61660-2:1997 More 
Document number DGUV Information 203-077 ; BGI/GUV-I 5188:2020-09 Edition 2020-09 Title Thermal hazards due to electric fault arcing - Guide for selecting personal protective equipment More 
Document number DIN EN IEC 60709 ; VDE 0491-7:2020-05 Edition 2020-05 Title Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems important to safety - Separation (IEC 60709:2018); German version EN IEC 60709:2019 More 
Document number DIN EN IEC 62485-2 ; VDE 0510-485-2:2019-04 Edition 2019-04 Title Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries (IEC 62485-2:2010); German version EN IEC 62485-2:2018 More 
Document number DIN EN IEC 62932-2-2 ; VDE 0510-932-2-2:2021-06 Edition 2021-06 Title Flow battery energy systems for stationary applications - Part 2-2: Safety requirements (IEC 62932-2-2:2020); German version EN IEC 62932-2-2:2020 More 
Document number LANUV-Arbeitsblatt 19 Edition 2012 Title Anforderungen an Notstromsysteme in Betriebsbereichen nach Störfallverordnung More