NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 61340-4-7 ; VDE 0300-4-7:2018-01
Electrostatics - Part 4-7: Standard test methods for specific applications - Ionization (IEC 61340-4-7:2017); German version EN 61340-4-7:2017

Title (German)

Elektrostatik - Teil 4-7: Standard-Prüfverfahren für spezielle Anwendungen - Ionisation (IEC 61340-4-7:2017); Deutsche Fassung EN 61340-4-7:2017


This Part 4-7 of the international IEC 61340 "Electrostatics" series of standards provides test methods and procedures for evaluating and selecting air ionization equipment and systems (ionizers). Grounding is the primary method used to limit static charge when protecting electrostatic discharge sensitive items in the work environment. However, grounding methods are not effective in removing static charges from the surfaces of non-conductive (insulative) or isolated conductive materials. Air ionization techniques, by means of ionizer systems, can be utilized to reduce this charge. The preferred way of evaluating the ability of an ionizer to neutralize a static charge is to directly measure the rate of charge decay. Charges to be neutralized may be located on insulators as well as on isolated conductors. It is difficult to charge an insulator reliably and repeatably. Charge neutralization is more easily evaluated by measuring the rate of decay of the voltage of an isolated conductive plate. The measurement of this decay should not interfere with or change the nature of the actual decay. Four practical methods of air ionization are addressed in this document: a) radioactive emission; b) high-voltage corona from a.c. electric fields; c) high-voltage corona from d.c. electric fields; d) soft X-ray emission. This part of IEC 61340 provides test methods and procedures that can be used when evaluating ionization equipment. The objective of the test methods is to generate meaningful, reproducible data. The test methods are not meant to be a recommendation for any particular ionizer configuration. The wide variety of ionizers, and the environments within which they are used, will often require test methods different from those described in this document. Users of this document should be prepared to adapt the test methods as required to produce meaningful data in their own application of ionizers. Similarly, the test conditions chosen in this document do not represent a recommendation for acceptable ionizer performance. There is a wide range of item sensitivities to static charge. There is also a wide range of environmental conditions affecting the operation of ionizers. Performance specifications should be agreed upon between the user and manufacturer of the ionizer in each application. Users of this document should be prepared to establish reasonable performance requirements for their own application of ionizers. Annex B provides a method for measuring capacitance of the isolated conductive plate. This document establishes measurement techniques, under specified conditions, to determine offset voltage (ion balance) and decay (charge neutralization) time for ionizers. This document does not include measurements of electromagnetic interference (EMI), or the use of ionizers in connection with ordnance, flammables, explosive items or electrically initiated explosive devices. As contained in this document, the test methods and test conditions can be used by manufacturers of ionizers to provide performance data describing their products. Users of ionizers are urged to modify the test methods and test conditions for their specific application in order to qualify ionizers for use, or to make periodic verifications of ionizer performance. The user will decide the extent of the data required for each application. Procedures and equipment described in this document can expose personnel to hazardous electrical and non-electrical conditions. Users of this document are responsible for selecting equipment that complies with applicable laws, regulatory codes and both external and internal policy. Users are cautioned that this document cannot replace or supersede any requirements for personnel safety. The responsible committee is DKE/K 185 "Elektrostatik" ("Electrostatics") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

DKE/K 185 - Elektrostatik  

Edition 2018-01
Original language German
Price from 77.18 €


Alexandra Fabricius

Merianstr. 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-453

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