DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN CLC/TS 50238-2 Berichtigung 1
; VDE V 0831-238-2 Berichtigung 1:2016-12
Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems - Part 2: Compatibility with track circuits; German version CLC/TS 50238-2:2015, Corrigendum to DIN CLC/TS 50238-2 (VDE V 0831-238-2):2016-05; German version CLC/TS 50238-2:2015/AC:2016
Bahnanwendungen - Kompatibilität zwischen Fahrzeugen und Gleisfreimeldesystemen - Teil 2: Kompatibilität mit Gleisstromkreisen; Deutsche Fassung CLC/TS 50238-2:2015, Berichtigung zu DIN CLC/TS 50238-2 (VDE V 0831-238-2):2016-05; Deutsche Fassung CLC/TS 50238-2:2015/AC:2016
This Technical Specification specifies the limit values for the emission of interference currents by vehicles with the aim of ensuring compatibility between vehicles and track circuits. The measurement and evaluation methods for verifying conformity of rolling stock to these limits are presented in a dedicated annex. The interference limits are only applicable to interoperable rolling stock which is intended to run on lines exclusively equipped with preferred track circuits listed in this Technical Specification. This Technical Specification provides guidance on the derivation of interference current limits specified for rolling stock and defines measurement procedures and evaluation criteria. In this Corrigendum the following corrections have been made based on the European Corrigendum (CENELEC Corrigendum July 2016 to CLC/TS 50238-2:2015): In Table A1 the frequency value "222.45" for track circuits UGSK 3 has been corrected to "225.45" Hz. The responsible committee is DKE/UK 351.3 "Bahn-Signalanlagen" ("Signalling systems for railways") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.