DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN EN 61158-3-13
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-13: Data-link layer service definition - Type 13 elements (IEC 61158-3-13:2014); English version EN 61158-3-13:2014, only on CD-ROM
Industrielle Kommunikationsnetze - Feldbusse - Teil 3-13: Dienstfestlegungen des Data Link Layer (Sicherungsschicht) - Typ 13-Elemente (IEC 61158-3-13:2014); Englische Fassung EN 61158-3-13:2014, nur auf CD-ROM
In compliance with the DIN EN 61158 standard series the layers 1, 2 and 7 of a fieldbus are designed in accordance with ISO/IEC 7498-1. This standard describes layer 2 of Type 13 (Ethernet POWERLINK). It defines the externally visible services provided by the Type 13 fieldbus data-link layer (Ethernet POWERLINK). The responsible committee is DKE/K 956 "Feldbus" ("Fieldbus") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.