NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 60447 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 60073 ; VDE 0199:2003-05 2003-05 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Coding principles for indicators and actuators (IEC 60073:2002); German version EN 60073:2002 More 
GUV-V D 8 ; DGUV Vorschrift 55:2000-10 2000-10 Unfallverhütungsvorschrift "Winden, Hub- und Zuggeräte" mit Durchführungsanweisungen More 
NavigationsFunkAusrBek 2000-12-08 IMO-Anforderungen an Navigations- und Funkausrüstung; Leistungsanforderungen für Nachtsichtanlagen auf Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeugen; Leistungsanforderungen für Tagsignalscheinwerfer More 
BGV D 8 DA 1996-04 Implementing instructions for the regulations on the prevention of accidents "winches, lifting appliances and drawing machines" More 
DIN EN 61209 2000-04 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 61209:1999); German version EN 61209:1999 More