DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN EN 61375-2-1
Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-1: Wire Train Bus (WTB) (IEC 61375-2-1:2012); English version EN 61375-2-1:2012
Elektronische Betriebsmittel für Bahnen - Zug-Kommunikations-Netzwerk - Teil 2-1: Wire Train Bus (WTB) (IEC 61375-2-1:2012); Englische Fassung EN 61375-2-1:2012
This part of IEC 61375 applies to data communication in Open Trains. It covers the data communication between consists of the open trains and data communication within the consists of the open trains. Application of this standard to the train communication bus (WTB) ensures the interoperability of individual consists within Open Trains in international traffic. The data communication bus inside consists (for example MVB) is given as the recommended solution to cope with the said TCN. In any case, proof of compatibility between WTB and a proposed consist network will have to be brought by the supplier. The responsible committee is DKE/UK 351.1 "Fahrzeuge" ("Rolling stock") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.