DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN EN 62673
Methodology for communication network dependability assessment and assurance (IEC 62673:2013); German version EN 62673:2013
Methodik zur Beurteilung und Sicherstellung der Zuverlässigkeit von Kommunikationsnetzen (IEC 62673:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN 62673:2013
This new standard describes a generic methodology for dependability assessment and assurance of communication networks. It presents the network dependability assessment strategies and methodology for analysis of network topology, evaluation of dependability of service paths and optimization of network configurations in order to achieve network dependability performance and dependability of service. It also addresses the network dependability assurance strategies and methodology for application of network health check, network outage control and test case management to enhance and sustain dependability performance in network service operation. This standard is applicable to network service providers, network designers and developers, and network maintainers and operators of communication networks for assurance of network dependability performance and assessment of dependability of service. The responsible body is DKE/K 132 "Zuverlässigkeit" of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.