NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 42600-7
Instrument transformers for 50 Hz, Uₘ 0,72 kV to 52 kV - Part 7: Voltage Transformers Uₘ to 12 kV - Small design, main dimensions, indoor type

Title (German)

Messwandler für 50 Hz, Uₘ 0,72 kV bis 52 kV - Teil 7: Spannungswandler Uₘ bis 12 kV - Kleine Bauform, Hauptmaße, Innenraumausführung


The DIN 42600 series "Instrument transformers for 50 Hz, Um 0,72 kV to 52 kV" is applicable for the designs and dimensions of instrument transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage from 0,72 kV to 52 kV and consists of the following parts: - Part 1: Basic requirements - Part 2: Current transformers Um = 0,72 kV and Um = 1,2 kV - Main dimensions - Part 3: Voltage transformers Um 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design, main dimensions, indoor type - Part 4: Current Transformers (support-type-insulator) Um = 12 kV - Small design, main dimensions, indoor type - Part 5: Current Transformers (support-type-insulator) Um 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design, main dimensions, indoor type - Part 7: Voltage Transformers Um to 12 kV - Small design, main dimensions, indoor type - Part 8: Current Transformers (support-type-insulators) Um = 12 kV and Um = 24 kV - Narrow design, main dimensions, indoor type - Part 9: Voltage Transformers Um = 12 kV and Um = 24 kV - Narrow design, main dimensions, indoor type. This standard is applicable for instrument transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage from 0,72 kV to 52 kV. Instrument transformers for Um = 3,6 kV and Um = 7,2 kV are preferably manufactured for the design for Um = 12 kV. For instrument transformers Um = 52 kV there exist no special specifications for the design; for this purpose only the general statements of this standard apply. It shall be applied analogously for transformers for metal-enclosed installations as well as for transformers for outdoor installations of the same voltage levels, provided no other specifications have been made. Part 2: Current transformers Um = 0,72 kV and Um = 1,2 kV - Main dimensions This standard is applicable for current transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage 0,72 kV to 1,2 kV. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 3: Voltage transformers Um 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for voltage transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage from 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 4: Current Transformers (support-type-insulator) Um = 12 kV - Small design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for current transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage 12 kV - Small design. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 5: Current Transformers (support-type-insulator) Um 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for current transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage 12 kV to 36 kV - Large design. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 7: Voltage Transformers Um to 12 kV - Small design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for voltage transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage 12 kV - Narrow design. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 8: Current Transformers (support-type-insulators) Um = 12 kV and Um = 24 kV - Narrow design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for current transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage from 12 kV to 24 kV - Narrow design. This standard shall be used in conjunction with DIN 42600-1. Part 9: Voltage Transformers Um = 12 kV and Um = 24 kV - Narrow design, main dimensions, indoor type This standard is applicable for voltage transformers for air-insulated indoor installations with maximum equipment voltage from 12 kV to 24 kV - Narrow design. The responsible committee is K 471 "Messwandler" ("Instrument transformers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

DKE/K 471 - Messwandler  

Edition 2013-10
Original language German
Price from 43.40 €
Table of contents


Bernd Stäblein

Merianstr. 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-430

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