DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN EN 50388
; VDE 0115-606:2012-12
Railway Applications - Power supply and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply (substation) and rolling stock to achieve interoperability; German version EN 50388:2012 + AC:2012
Bahnanwendungen - Bahnenergieversorgung und Fahrzeuge - Technische Kriterien für die Koordination zwischen Anlagen der Bahnenergieversorgung und Fahrzeugen zum Erreichen der Interoperabilität; Deutsche Fassung EN 50388:2012 + AC:2012
This European Standard establishes requirements for the compatibility of rolling stock with infrastructure particularly in relation to - co-ordination of protection principles between power supply and traction units, especially fault discrimination for short-circuits; - co-ordination of installed power on the line and the power demand of trains; - co-ordination of traction unit regenerative braking and power supply receptivity; - co-ordination of harmonic behaviour. The European Standard deals with the definition and quality requirements of the power supply at the interface between traction units and fixed installations. This European Standard specifies the interface between rolling stock and electrical fixed installations for traction, in respect of the power supply system. The interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line is dealt with in EN 50367. The interaction with the "control-command" subsystem (especially signalling) is not dealt with in this standard. The responsible committee is Subcommittee UK 351.2 "Ortsfeste Anlagen" ("Fixed installations") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
DKE/UK 351.2 - Ortsfeste Anlagen