NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 140401-804
Detail Specification: Fixed low power film high stability SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes 0,1; 0,25; German version EN 140401-804:2011 + AC:2011 + AC:2012

Title (German)

Bauartspezifikation: SMD Schicht-Festwiderstände niedriger Belastbarkeit mit hoher Stabilität - Rechteckig - Stabilitätsklassen 0,1; 0,25; Deutsche Fassung EN 140401-804:2011 + AC:2011 + AC:2012


Within the framework of the regular review of generic, framework and detail specifications in the field of standards on resistors, the previous 2005 edition DIN EN 140401-804 has been revised. This detail specification deals with fixed low power film high stability SMD resistors and is one of four documents describing fixed surface mounting resistors : - EN 60115-1 "Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification" (IEC 60115-1, modified) - EN 140400, "Sectional specification: Fixed low power surface mount (SMD) resistors" - EN 140401, "Blank Detail Specification: Fixed low power film surface mount (SMD) resistors" - EN 140401-804, "Detail Specification: Fixed low power film high stability SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability classes 0,1; 0,25" All clauses and table contents of the specification have been completely revised and updated. Significant parts of the standard deal with characteristics and ratings, amongst others, with dimensions and ratings, derating curve, resistance range and tolerance on rated resistance, variation of resistance with temperature and temperature rise, climatic categories and limits for change of resistance at tests. Information on marking, packaging and ordering designation rounds off the chapter. The chapter quality assessment procedure deals in addition to the general part with qualification approval and quality conformance inspection. The normative Annex A of the specification deals with the fixed sample size qualification approval and quality conformance inspection test schedule for fixed low power surface mount (SMD) resistors. Informative Annex B contains letter symbols and abbreviations. Significant modifications with respect to DIN EN 140401-804:2005-10 are as follows: - modification of the title; - introduction of a test on the resistance to electrostatic discharge in 1.6 and Annex A; - introduction of description and test methods for lead-free soldering in 1.8, 1.10.3 and Annex A; - introduction of the code letters for temperature coefficient as given in EN 60062; - revision of the ordering information in 1.9.4; - revised information on pulse load capability in 1.10.6; - revised information on resistance value drift in 1.10.7; - revised information on current noise in 1.10.9; - adoption of the IECQ rules of procedure, IEC QC 001002-3; - revision of the sample quantities and the sequence of tests in Annex A. The responsible committee is GK 613 "Widerstände" ("Resistors") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

DKE/GK 613 - Widerstände  

Edition 2012-05
Original language German
Price from 133.20 €


Alexandra Fabricius

Merianstr. 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-453

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