NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 50090-1 ; VDE 0829-1:2011-12 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VDE-AR-E 2757-5 2015-02 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Requirements for the qualification of person working in the field of AAL More 
VDE-AR-E 2757-8 2014-12 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Process support for the technical implementation of assistant systems (ambient assisted technology) in homes and residential buildings More 
VDI/VDE 6008 Blatt 3 2014-01 Barrier-free buildings - Aspects of electrical installation and building automation More 
DIN CLC/TS 50560 ; VDE V 0849-560:2015-04 2015-04 Interoperability framework requirement specification; German version CLC/TS 50560:2014 More 
DIN EN 50090-4-3 ; VDE 0829-4-3:2016-03 2016-03 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-3: Media independent layers - Communication over IP (EN 13321-2); German version EN 50090-4-3:2015 More 
DIN EN 50090-5-3 ; VDE 0829-5-3:2016-10 2016-10 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-3: Media and media dependent layers - Radio Frequency for HBES Class 1; German version EN 50090-5-3:2016 More 
DIN EN 50290-4-2 ; VDE 0819-290-42:2015-06 2015-06 Communication cables - Part 4-2: General considerations for the use of cables - Guide to use; German version EN 50290-4-2:2014 More 
DIN EN 50465 ; VDE 0130-310:2020-09 2020-09 Gas appliances - Combined heat and power appliance of nominal heat input inferior or equal to 70 kW; German version EN 50465:2015 + A1:2019 More 
DIN EN 50491-12-1 ; VDE 0849-12-1:2019-02 2019-02 General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Smart grid - Application specification - Interface and framework for customer - Part 12-1: Interface between the CEM and Home/Building Resource manager - General Requirements and Architecture; German version EN 50491-12-1:2018 More 
DIN SPEC 77008 2019-04 Requirements on a digital end-to-end process between residents, real estate managers and service providers; Text in German and English More