NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 62305-3 ; VDE 0185-305-3:2011-10 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN VDE 0100-540 ; VDE 0100-540:2024-06 Edition 2024-06 Title Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors (IEC 60364-5-54:2011 + A1:2021); German implementation HD 60364-5-54:2011 + A1:2022 More 
Document number DVGW G 280 Edition 2018-12 Title Odorization of gases More 
Document number STLB-BauZ LB 682 CD-ROM Edition Title Nieder- und Mittelspannungsanlagen mit Nennspannungen bis 36 kV More 
Document number STLB-BauZ LB 684 CD-ROM Edition Title Blitzschutzanlagen More 
Document number VDI 2089 Blatt 1 Edition 2023-09 Title Building services in swimming baths - Indoor pools More 
Document number VDI 2262 Blatt 1 Edition 2013-06 Title Workplace air - Reduction of exposure to air pollutants - Legal principles, terms and definitions, basic organisational measures for industrial safety and environmental protection More 
Document number VDI 2263 Blatt 10 Edition 2022-05 Title Dust fires and dust explosions - Hazards - assessment - protective measures - Dust fires and explosion protection in mixers and mixing equipments More 
Document number VDI 2263 Blatt 6 Edition 2017-08 Title Dust fires and dust explosions - Hazards - assessment - protective measures - Dust fires and explosion protection in dust extracting installations More 
Document number VDI 3564 Blatt 1 Edition 2017-05 Title Fire protection - Recommendations for high-bay warehouses More 
Document number VDI 3786 Blatt 2 Edition 2018-05 Title Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Wind More