NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 60034-1 ; VDE 0530-1:2011-02 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
KTA 3504 2022-11 Electrical Drive Mechanisms of the Safety System in Nuclear Power Plants More 
KTA 3702 2022-11 Emergency Power Generating Facilities with Diesel-Generator Units in Nuclear Power Plants More 
KTA 3704 2022-11 Emergency Power Facilities with Static and Rotary AC/DC Converters in Nuclear Power Plants More 
NAMUR NE 47 2019-12-16 3-Phase Asynchronous Motors - Technical Requirements More 
SpFV/BinSchPersVÄndV 2022-12-01 Verordnung zur Änderung der Sportbootführerscheinverordnung und der Binnenschiffspersonalverordnung More 
VDE-AR-N 4110 2023-09 Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the medium voltage network (TCR medium voltage) More 
VDE-AR-N 4120 2018-11 Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the high voltage network (TCR high voltage) More 
VDE-AR-N 4130 2018-11 Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the extra high voltage network (TCR extra high voltage) More 
VDI 3459 Blatt 1 2017-11 Terminology of waste treatment and energy management - Fundamentals More 
VDI 4700 Blatt 1 2015-10 Terminology of civil engineering and building services More