NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 50264-2-1 ; VDE 0260-264-2-1:2009-03 ???din.label.webdb.content.articleState.CURRENT??? ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.quote.title???

???din.label.webdb.content.norm.docNr??? ???din.label.webdb.content.issue??? ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.title???
EN 50264-1 2008-06 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance - Part 1: General requirements ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 50305 2002-07 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Test methods ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60811-1-1 1995-04 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Part 1: General application - Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties (IEC 60811-1-1:1993) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60811-1-2 1995-04 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Part 1: General application; section 2: Thermal ageing methods (IEC 60811-1-2:1985 + corrigendum 1986 + A1:1989) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60811-1-3 1995-04 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Part 1: General application; section 3: Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test (IEC 60811-1-3:1993) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60811-1-4 1995-04 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Part 1: General application; section 4: Test at low temperature (IEC 60811-1-4:1985 + corrigendum 1986 + A1:1993) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60811-2-1 1998-08 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests (IEC 60811-2-1:1998) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 50266-2-4 2001-02 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Part 2-4: Procedures; Category C ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 50266-2-5 2001-02 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Part 2-5: Procedures; Small cables; Category D ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60228 2005-02 Conductors of insulated cables (IEC 60228:2004) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more???