NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 50346 [Withdrawn] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN EN 50098-2 Edition 1996-06 Title Customer premises cabling for information technology - Part 2: 2048 kbit/s ISDN primary access and leased line network interface; German version EN 50098-2:1996 More 
Document number EN 50098-1 Edition 1998-11 Title Customer premises cabling for information technology - Part 1: ISDN basic access More 
Document number EN 50098-2 Edition 1996-04 Title Customer premises cabling for information technology - Part 2: 2048 kbit/s ISDN primary access and leased line network interface More 
Document number EN 50173 Edition 1995-08 Title Information technology - Generic cabling systems More 
Document number EN 50174-1 Edition 2000-08 Title Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 1: Specification and quality assurance More 
Document number EN 50174-2 Edition 2000-08 Title Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings More 
Document number EN 60825-1 Edition 1994-03 Title Safety of laser products; Part 1: equipment classification, requirements and user's guide (IEC 60825-1:1993) More 
Document number EN 61280-4-2 Edition 1999-10 Title Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Part 4-2: Fibre optic cable plant - Single-mode fibre optic cable plant attenuation (IEC 61280-4-2:1999) More 
Document number EN 61300-3-34 Edition 1997-10 Title Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-34: Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of random mated connectors (IEC 61300-3-34:1997) More 
Document number EN 61300-3-4 Edition 2001-08 Title Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-4: Examinations and measurements; Attenuation (IEC 61300-3-4:2001) More