Getting started with Standardization – Second Interactive Conference on Education about Standardization

Save the date: 25.+26. September 2024 live in Berlin


Standardization - the world's most boring topic? A necessary evil? Save yourself who can?

Unfortunately, many people think so.

In fact, standardization is a civil society system of participation and co-design. Following the basic idea of democracy, a structure has been created in which people can participate in specific topics and shape their own field. Similar to the related social rule-making (politics), there are also European (CEN/CENELEC) and international (ISO/IEC) associations in technical rule-making (standardization).

You could all write the standards - or your students, new colleagues, association members, customers, etc. - because, contrary to widespread belief, it is not we DIN employees who write the documents. You could sit together with others who have different perspectives on the same issue in a committee and jointly define the necessary technical requirements for this issue in consensus.

Okay, that sounds really boring now, doesn't it?

In fact, it can be very exciting. Because these seemingly unimportant little specifications define the direction for the future. Only with technical design can digitalization, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and other, still invisible topics succeed.

We cordially invite you to get to know this exciting universe and to integrate it into your teaching or knowledge transfer. Don't worry, you don't have to do this alone, we will support you.

When: September 25th from 12:30 until approx. 21:30 + September 26th from approx. 09:00 until approx. 21:30 

Where: DIN e. V., Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin

Accommodation Information:

Due to two major events coinciding with our conference in Berlin, the city is largely booked out. We have nevertheless gone to great lengths to organize comfortable accommodation for you at an acceptable price and in a convenient location. Further information on the hotel contingent will be available after registration.

Who: Teachers of all kinds and subjects. So not only professors, docs, post-docs, guest lecturers, etc. from educational institutions, but also people who offer seminars in associations, train young people in their own company or want to pass on standardization knowledge as consultants

What: 2 exciting days with many short lectures, teaching materials and Serious Games (detailed program will follow).

Special guests: This year, the European research project "EDU4Standards" will be presented on the second day. THE SECOND DAY WILL THEREFORE TAKE PLACE MAINLY IN ENGLISH

To register

or at (Registration code: durchstarten2024)

Quotes from last year:

Interesting topics, committed speakers and relevant practical relevance. Innovative new formats very nice. Thank you very much.

- Elfira Blumenthal

A successful exchange and valuable event in an innovative format. Thank you for allowing me to present my ABC of standards. Many thanks to Amelie Leipprand.

- Prof. Dr. Paul R. Melcher

Durchstarten mit Normung 2023 Conference Recap:

Fotos of the 2023 event

Agenda of the 2023 event

Speaker of the 2023 event

Amelie Leipprand_2023


DIN e. V.
Amelie Leipprand

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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