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Projects of NA 045-02-06 AA

ISO/CD 1081 2024-09-20 Belt drives - V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and corresponding grooved pulleys - Vocabulary More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 24920 2024-09-02 Synchronous belt drives - Technical specification for installation More  Comment 
ISO/CD 3410 2024-01-08 Agricultural machinery - Endless variable-speed V-belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys (system based on datum width) More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 1813 2023-12-15 Belt drives - V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts - Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 4184 2023-12-15 Belt drives - Classical and narrow V-belts - Lengths in datum system More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 4183 2023-12-15 Belt drives - Classical and narrow V-belts - Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width) More  Comment