
Revised - Proposal to amend IEC 60335-2-90, has been prepared by the TC 61/Adhoc group on Remote Controls and is circulated according to the decision taken by TC 61 in Beijing. It should be read in conjunction with the Ad hoc group proposal for IEC 60335-1 (see 61/2313/DC)



Geplante Dokumentnummer

IEC 61B/243A/DC

Zuständiges nationales Arbeitsgremium

DKE/UK 511.2 - Herde und Mikrowellengeräte  

Zuständiges internationales Arbeitsgremium

IEC/SC 61B - Sicherheit von Mikrowellengeräten  

Ihr Kontakt

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Roman Ott

Merianstr. 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-329

Zum Kontaktformular