NA 023

DIN-Normenausschuss Ergonomie (NAErg)


Call for Tender for an ‘Expert on Typology and Inclusiveness’

For research on the needs for and availability of anthropometric data of adults in the context of inclusive/gender-responsive standards

CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, is an association that brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European countries. It provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical documents in relation to various kinds of products, materials, services and processes.

Correct and up-to-date anthropometric data (including physical strengths) are a crucial basis for drafting standards inclusive/gender-responsive (with regard to health and safety and also other requirements). It is, therefore, necessary to systematically collect an EU-wide broad range of anthropometric data and to provide the stakeholders, in particular the industry and the CEN (and CENELEC) technical committees, with such information.

At present there is insufficient knowledge on the existing anthropometric data and its availability (e.g. commercially available data from private providers or scientific publications) and on the specific stakeholder needs for such data. For this reason, CEN carries out, within CEN/TC 122 “Ergonomics” and in particular CEN/TC 122/WG 1 “Anthropometry” a project to obtain this information. The project will identify available data and data needs and perform a gap analysis. Based on these results draft scenarios for an anthropometric survey will be developed which can form the basis for a future project.

DIN German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.) holds the secretariats of CEN/TC 122 “Ergonomics” and CEN/TC 122/WG 1 “Anthropometry” and will be responsible for the overall management and coordination of the project.

A Technical Project Leader to carry out the following tasks in consultation with CEN/TC 122/WG 1 has already been determined and contracted based on a previous call for tender:

  • WP1 Investigation of needs for anthropometric data of adults
  • WP2 Investigation on availability of anthropometric data of adults
  • WP3 Gap analysis
  • WP4 Planning of anthropometric survey

The work of the Technical Project Leader will be supported and complemented by an “Expert on Typology and Inclusiveness” who will be responsible for carrying out an additional work package “typological approach”. The selection of the “Expert on Typology and Inclusiveness” is subject to this call for tender.

Tenders for the “Expert on Typology and Inclusiveness” shall be sent by postal mail to the secretary of CEN/TC 122/WG 1 "Anthropometry", Sebastian Lentz.

Find the announcement, application form and FAQs here

Ihr Kontakt

DIN e. V.
Sebastian Lentz

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

Zum Kontaktformular