Projekte von DKE/UK 521.1

IEC 34A/1323/DC 2009-02-06 Proposal to amend IEC 60901, Ed.2.2: Single-capped fluorescent lamps: Performance specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1316/DC 2008-11-28 Proposal to amend IEC 62031, LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1317/DC 2008-11-28 Proposal to amend IEC 60901 Ed.2, Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1395/CDV 2008-10-17 Leuchtstoff-Induktionslampen - Anforderungen an die Arbeitsweise Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1303/NP 2008-10-17 Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps - Performance Specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1306/NP 2008-10-17 External Electrode Fluorescent Lamps - Safety Specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1305/NP 2008-10-17 External Electrode Fluorescent Lamps - Performance Specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1304/NP 2008-10-17 Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps - Safety Specifications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1302/DC 2008-10-10 IEC 60809 - Proposal for a simplification Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 34A/1300/CDV 2008-10-10 Zweiseitig gesockelte Leuchtstofflampen - Anforderungen an die Arbeitsweise Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN