Projekte von IEC/TC 100

IEC 100/1595/DC 2009-08-07 Change of TC 100 Scope Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1733/CDV 2009-07-31 Digitalton - Schnittstelle für nichtlinear-PCM-codierte Audio-Bitströme unter Verwendung von IEC 60958 - Teil 10: Nichtlineare PCM-Bitströme entsprechend dem Format MPEG-4-ALS (verlustfreie Audiodatenkompression) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1554A/DC 2009-07-17 Revised Maintenance of IEC 60107-1: Methods of measurement on receivers for television - Part 7: HDTV displays Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1584/DC 2009-07-17 Normative referencing rule in TC 100 Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1585/DC 2009-07-17 Procedure required for standards that have dated Normative References Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1572/NP 2009-06-19 Energy saving system for home appliances and home network devices - Part 1 : Architecture and requirements Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1556/DC 2009-05-01 Maintenance of IEC 62105 Ed. 1.0: Digital audio broadcast system - Specification of the receiver data interface (RDI) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1553/DC 2009-04-24 New work item proposals for "Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines - Part 3: Link protection" Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1745/CDV 2009-04-10 Empfänger für terrestrischen Multimediadigitalrundfunk (T-DMB) - Teil 2: Interaktive Datendienste unter Verwendung von BIFS Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 100/1539/NP 2009-04-10 Transmission of time code in the ancillary data space (TA6) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN