Projekte von DKE/GUK 821.2

IEC 29/591/DTS 2005-09-30 IEC 61094-7 Ed.1: Measurement microphones : Part 7: Values for the difference between free field and pressure sensitivity levels of laboratory standard microphones Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 29/570/CDV 2004-03-05 IEC 61672-3: Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 3: Periodic tests Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 29/506/CD 2002-01-18 First IEC/CD 61094-7 "Measurement microphones - Part 7: Values for the difference between free-field and pressure sensitivity levels of laboratory standard microphones" Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 29/491/DC 2001-03-09 Document for comments on the future revision of IEC 61260 Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 29/350/FDIS Amendment 2 to IEC 118-2 (Edition 2): Hearing aids - Part 2: Measurments of frequency response using steady state broad band input signals Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN