NA 147

DIN Standards Committee Quality Management, Statistics and Certification

DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VdS 3529 2022-02 VdS-Guidelines for the Approval of Service Companies for Secure Storage Units - Approval of Service Companies for Maintenance, Repair and Modification Service of Secure Storage Units - Requirements and Procedure More 
VdS 3872 2020-12 VdS-Guidelines for Alarm Systems - Approval as Provider for Alarm Transmission Services (ATSP) - Requirements More 
VDV 174 2017-04 Adhesive Bonding on Urban Rail Rolling Stock according to BOStrab More 
AMEV EMA/ÜMA 2019 ; AMEV Nr. 153:2019-10 2019-10 EMA/ÜMA 2019 - Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Gefahrenmeldeanlagen für Einbruch, Überfall und Geländeüberwachung bei öffentlichen Gebäuden More 
BauunternehmenPräqualiVerfBek 2022-05-13 Bekanntmachung der Leitlinie für die Durchführung eines Präqualifikationsverfahrens von Bauunternehmen More 
DAkkS R17065 2023-05-22 Rule for accreditation of certification bodies for products, processes and services according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 16486-7 2023-12 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing - Part 7: Assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 16486-7:2023); German version CEN ISO/TS 16486-7:2023 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 23818-1 2021-02 Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of existing pipelines - Part 1: Polyethylene (PE) material (ISO/TS 23818-1:2020); German version CEN ISO/TS 23818-1:2020 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 23818-2 2023-10 Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of existing pipelines - Part 2: Resin-fibre composite (RFC) material (ISO/TS 23818-2:2021); German version CEN ISO/TS 23818-2:2022 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 23818-3 2023-10 Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of existing pipelines - Part 3: Unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) material (ISO/TS 23818-3:2021); German version CEN ISO/TS 23818-3:2022 More