NA 043

DIN Standards Committee Information Technology and IT Applications

DIN EN ISO/IEC 19896-3 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
ISO/IEC 18033-7 2022-04 Information security - Encryption algorithms - Part 7: Tweakable block ciphers More 
ISO/IEC 18370-1 2016-11 Information technology - Security techniques - Blind digital signatures - Part 1: General More 
ISO/IEC 18370-2 2016-07 Information technology - Security techniques - Blind digital signatures - Part 2: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms More 
ISO/IEC 19592-1 2016-11 Information technology - Security techniques - Secret sharing - Part 1: General More 
ISO/IEC 19592-2 2017-10 Information technology - Security techniques - Secret sharing - Part 2: Fundamental mechanisms More 
ISO/IEC 19772 2020-11 Information security - Authenticated encryption More 
ISO/IEC 19792 2009-08 Information technology - Security techniques - Security evaluation of biometrics More 
ISO/IEC 19795-1 2021-05 Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting - Part 1: Principles and framework More 
ISO/IEC 19795-2 2007-02 Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting - Part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation More 
ISO/IEC 19795-2 AMD 1 2015-04 Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting - Part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation - Amendment 1: Testing of multimodal biometric implementations More