NA 041

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Ventilation Technology and their Safety

DIN EN 13757-1 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
EN 61334-4-41 1996-12 Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 41: Application protocols - Distribution line message specification (IEC 61334-4-41:1996) More 
EN 61334-6 2000-11 Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 6: A-XDR encoding rule (IEC 61334-6:2000) More 
EN 62056-7-6 2013-09 Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite - Part 7-6: The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication profile (IEC 62056-7-6:2013) More 
EN 834 2013-08 Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of room heating radiators - Appliances with electrical energy supply More 
IEC/TR 62051-1 2004-01 Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Glossary of terms - Part 1: Terms related to data exchange with metering equipment using DLMS/COSEM More 
ISO 1155 1978-11 Information processing - Use of longitudinal parity to detect errors in information messages More 
ISO 1177 1985-08 Information processing - Character structure for start/stop and synchronous character oriented transmission More 
ISO 1745 1975-02 Information processing - Basic mode control procedures for data communication systems More 
ISO 7498-2 1989-02 Information processing systems; Open Systems Interconnection; basis reference model; Part 2: Security architecture More 
ISO 9506-1 2003-08 Industrial automation systems - Manufacturing Message Specification - Part 1: Service definition More