NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

DIN EN ISO 748 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
ISO 4366 2007-05 Hydrometry - Echo sounders for water depth measurements More 
ISO 4369 1979-10 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels; Moving-boat method More 
ISO 4373 2022-03 Hydrometry - Water level measuring devices More 
ISO 4375 2014-11 Hydrometry - Cableway systems for stream gauging More 
ISO 5168 2005-06 Measurement of fluid flow - Procedures for the evaluation of uncertainties More 
ISO 9196 1992-03 Liquid flow measurement in open channels; flow measurements under ice conditions More 
ISO/TS 15768 2000-07 Measurement of liquid velocity in open channels - Design, selection and use of electromagnetic current meters More