NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

DIN 38405-24 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Kali-HaldenRL TH 2002-04-18 Richtlinie für die Abdeckung und Begrünung von Kalihalden im Freistaat Thüringen (Kali-Haldenrichtlinie) More 
LUA Merkblatt 38 2003 Analysenverfahren und Parameter zur Untersuchung von Abfällen, Altlasten und schädlichen Bodenveränderungen More 
PD CEN/TR 14589 2003-06-04 Characterization of waste. State of the art document. Chromium VI specification in solid matrices More 
RAL-UZ 154 2011-02 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Textiles More 
RAL-UZ 155 2011-02 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Shoes More 
RAL-UZ 159 2011-06 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Textile Toys More 
VDMA 24438-2 2013-02 Plant for the treatment of contaminated ground water - Part 2: Treatment of organic substances More 
VDMA 24438-3 2013-02 Plant for the treatment of contaminated ground water - Part 3: Treatment of inorganic substances More