NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

DIN EN ISO 11885 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
RAL-UZ 154 2011-02 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Textiles More 
RAL-UZ 155 2011-02 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Shoes More 
RAL-UZ 234 2024-01 Vergabekriterien für Umweltzeichen - Organische Kultursubstrate und Blumenerden More 
RAL-UZ 30a 2024-01 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Products made from recycled plastics More 
RAL-UZ 99 2021-01 Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Movement Area De-icers for Airfields More 
WasserbausteineTL 2022-07-08 Technische Lieferbedingungen für Wasserbausteine (TLW); Ausgabe 2022 More