NA 175

DIN Standards Committee for Organizational Processes

DIN/TR 36601 [Withdrawn] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN ISO 30401 2022-11 Knowledge management systems - Requirements (ISO 30401:2018 + Amd.1:2022) More 
DIN ISO 31000 2018-10 Risk management - Guidelines (ISO 31000:2018) More 
DIN ISO 37001 2018-05 Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 37001:2016) More 
DIN ISO 37301 2021-11 Compliance management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 37301:2021) More 
DIN ISO 55001 2021-03 Asset management - Management systems - Requirements (ISO 55001:2014); Text in German and English More 
ISO 10013 2021-03 Quality management systems - Guidance for documented information More 
ISO 10015 2019-12 Quality management - Guidelines for competence management and people development More 
ISO 10018 2020-04 Quality management - Guidance for people engagement More 
ISO 10241-2 2012-08 Terminological entries in standards - Part 2: Adoption of standardized terminological entries More 
ISO 18091 2019-03 Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in local government More