NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN ISO 19136-1 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
ISO 19118 2011-10 Geographic information - Encoding More 
ISO 19133 2005-10 Geographic information - Location-based services - Tracking and navigation More 
ISO 19137 2007-05 Geographic information - Core profile of the spatial schema More 
ISO 8879 1986-10 Information processing; Text and office systems; Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) More 
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1 1998-11 Information technology - Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 1: General principles and documentation framework More 
ISO/IEC 19501 2005-04 Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 More 
ISO/TS 19139-1 2019-03 Geographic information - XML schema implementation - Part 1: Encoding rules More