NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN 13163 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
BVF Schnittstellenkoordination, Neubauten 2024-05 Schnittstellenkoordination bei Flächenheizungs- und Flächenkühlungssystemen in Neubauten More 
DIN 18234-1 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 1: Roof areas without openings - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18234-3 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 3: Roof penetrations and roof edges - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18234-4 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 4: List of roof penetrations and roof edges, which fulfil the requirements of DIN 18234-3 without further provision of evidence More 
DIN 18516-1 2024-10 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Part 1: Requirements, principles of testing More 
DIN4102-4/DIN4108T3,4,10/DIN18065Bek HA 2018-08-21 Bekanntmachung der DIN-Normen 4102-4:2016-05, 4108-3:2014-11, 4108-4:2017-03, 4108-10:2015-12 und 18065:2015-03 More 
DNV BTI 1.2 2018-07 Massive Bauteile aus Naturstein More 
DNV BTI 1.5 2022-01 Fassadenbekleidung More 
RAL-GZ 710/1 2020-08 EPS boards and rolls as thermal insulation products - Quality Assurance More 
RAL-GZ 711 2023-02 Fugendichtungskomponenten und -Systeme - Gütesicherung More