NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN ISO 13370 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 17645 2022-11 Domestic swimming pools - Environmental performance efficiency - Performance evaluation, methodology, and classification of the use of outdoor pools and their equipment; German version EN 17645:2022 More 
DIN 1946-6 2019-12 Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 6: Ventilation for residential buildings - General requirements, requirements for design, construction, commissioning and handover as well as maintenance More 
DIN4102-4/DIN4108T3,4,10/DIN18065Bek HA 2018-08-21 Bekanntmachung der DIN-Normen 4102-4:2016-05, 4108-3:2014-11, 4108-4:2017-03, 4108-10:2015-12 und 18065:2015-03 More 
VDI 6020 2022-12 Requirements to be met by calculation methods for the simulation of thermal-energy efficiency of buildings and building installations More