NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN 13055 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 18316 Edition 2019-09 Title German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Road construction - Surfacings with hydraulic binders More 
Document number DIN 18945 Edition 2024-03 Title Earth blocks - Requirements, test and labelling More 
Document number DIN 18946 Edition 2024-03 Title Earth masonry mortar - Requirements, test and labelling More 
Document number DIN 18947 Edition 2024-03 Title Earth plasters - Requirements, test and labelling More 
Document number DIN 18948 Edition 2024-03 Title Earthen boards - Requirements, test and labelling More 
Document number DIN 20000-403 Edition 2019-11 Title Application of building products in structures - Part 403: Rules for the application of aggregate concrete masonry units (dense and lightweight aggregates) according to DIN EN 771-3:2015-11 More 
Document number DIN 20000-412 Edition 2019-06 Title Application of building products in structures - Part 412: Rules for the application of masonry mortar according to DIN EN 998-2:2017-02 More 
Document number DIN 52170-2 Edition 2023-02 Title Determination of composition of hardened concrete - Part 2: Hydrochloric acid insoluble, limestone and/or dolomite containing aggregate - Materials used for the concrete not available More 
Document number DIN 52170-3 Edition 2023-02 Title Determination of composition of hardened concrete - Part 3: Hydrochloric acid insoluble aggregate - Materials used for the concrete not available More 
Document number DIN/TS 18004 Edition 2022-10 Title Use of building products in construction works - Test methods for aggregates for concrete according to DIN 1045-2 More