NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN 1997-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 4019 2015-05 Soil - Analysis of settlement More 
DIN 4034-1 2020-04 Prefabricated concrete manholes, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced - Part 1: Requirements, test methods and marking for drains and sewers in addition to DIN EN 1917:2003-04 More 
DIN 4084 2021-11 Soil - Calculation of embankment failure and overall stability of retaining structures More 
DIN 4118 2018-12 Headgears and winding towers for mines - Design loads, calculating- and construction principles More 
DIN 4178 2021-04 Belltowers More 
DIN 5644-1 2023-10 Urban Rail - Requirements for Urban Rail Tracks - Part 1: Basics More 
DIN 5647 2023-10 Urban Rail - Requirements for buildings More 
DWA-A 127-1 2022-12 Statische Berechnung von Entwässerungsanlagen - Teil 1: Grundlagen More 
DWA-A 221 2019-12 Grundsätze für die Verwendung von Kleinkläranlagen More 
BAW Wasserbauwerke, Tragfähigkeit 2016-07 Bewertung der Tragfähigkeit bestehender, massiver Wasserbauwerke (TbW) More