NA 003

DIN Standards Committee Valves

DIN EN 16668 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
EN 545 2010-09 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines - Requirements and test methods More 
EN 593 2017-10 Industrial valves - Metallic butterfly valves for general purposes More 
EN 736-1 2018-02 Valves - Terminology - Part 1: Definition of types of valves More 
EN 764-1+A1 2016-08 Pressure equipment - Part 1: Vocabulary More 
EN 764-2 2012-01 Pressure equipment - Part 2: Quantities, symbols and units More 
EN 764-4 2014-12 Pressure equipment - Part 4: Establishment of technical delivery conditions for metallic materials More 
EN 764-5 2014-12 Pressure equipment - Part 5: Inspection documentation of metallic materials and compliance with the material specification More 
EN 764-7 2002-05 Pressure equipment - Part 7: Safety systems for unfired pressure equipment More 
AD 2000-Merkblatt A 4 2015-11 Accessory housings More 
CEN ISO/TR 15608 2017-02 Welding - Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/TR 15608:2017) More